WalkUnited Pro allows you to game the CSR / RSO approach by creating a health or health-solidarity challenge.
In this challenge, the company or organization can involve targeted communities: employees, customers, partners, followers, students, patients, etc.
The challenge is made up of health or environmental challenges, which are to be carried out daily or weekly, solo or as a team.
Each challenge achieved allows you to generate points which accumulate in a kitty in order to advance the challenge.
The application is useful in different contexts:
HR marketing performance: responsible internal communication, team building, employer brand, fight against turnover, employee advocacy, etc.
CSR effectiveness: highlighting philanthropy, promotion of QVT, PDE/M, fight against sedentary lifestyle at work, obtaining health/environment/commitment performance indicators, etc.
The WalkUnited project is part of the 17th SDG (Sustainable Development Goal), which aims to create strong and inclusive partnerships between stakeholders: companies, organizations, associations, and citizens.