Odisha Bhulekh Land Records, Map, Area Calculator Application provides the latest and most updated Information directly from Database. Using Odisha Bhulekh Land Records app the user may get details of Khasra (ROR), Khatauni & Naksha on his Smartphone. This App is very helpful to check Odisha Bulekh Map & Land Record. In this Application you have to enter Khatiyan, dag and tenant of the land and you can get the all information about land. With this Application, you can find the record and information of a land in Odisha including owner details, amount of property and many more. ⦿ 1. Select District 2. Select Tahasil 3. Select Village 4. Select RI Circle 5. Select Khatiyan/Plot or Tenant ⦿ > Get your Odisha Land Record/Khatian/Plot Information. > You can find the owner of a land and property. > You find the land record of Odisha. > Find land market value - Land Benchmark of Odisha > You can Find Land maps and tahesil information. > Don't need to depend on others persons. > Fast show land record and bhulekh Results. > Good Interface and User friendly Design. Disclaimer : • This app is NOT an official app for any Government, neither this app is related to any Government department. • This app only acts as an interface. All information is loaded from other websites. • This application is developed for users to get all helpful and important links, information and help at one single place,under Fair Use. • All the images and articles are copied or downloaded from the internet, app do not claiming to be an owner of any assets. • This app is not associated or affiliated, directly or indirectly to any government body. • This app only acts as an interface. All information is loaded from other public domain. • App will not responsible if any wrong information provided. Also, we do not own any content shown in web view of this app. • We do not claim any rights on any content provided on any of the sites in app. • All rights and credit go directly to its rightful owners. No copyright violation & infringement are intended. • We are not taking any money or we are not responsible for any kind of transaction fail or success or any kind of payment related issue. • Source of information :- http://bhulekh.ori.nic.in/RoRView.aspx • This is completely FREE application, ENJOY ! • Any request to remove any content from app, will be honored. • For any privacy or copyrights related issue please mail us at: [email protected]