Easy and blessing financial transactions for #EasyShariaLife are now in your hands.
No complicated, bless you get.
M-Syariah from Bank Mega Syariah, is dedicated to BMS employees with all the convenience of financial transactions starting from opening an online account without having to visit a branch office and without video calls, transfers, payments, purchases to making Zakat, Infaq, Shodaqoh and Waqf.
There is always #JalanBerkah
1. Online Account Opening
BMS personnel, both prospective customers and existing customers, can open accounts online, without visiting branch offices, without making video calls, only through the M-Syariah application. Easy as that.
For new customers, BMS personnel only need to take a photo ID, selfie, digital signature and complete a short form, BMS people already have a Bank Mega Syariah account. The ATM card is also sent to the address of BMS personnel.
Don't use it complicated, don't use it for long.
2. Transfer
Send money to other Bank Mega Syariah accounts, or to other banks throughout Indonesia that are connected to the MegaNet network, Prima Network and ATM Bersama.
3. Payment
BMS personnel can make payments easily through M-Syariah, such as payment of PLN electricity bills, PDAM water, PSTN phones, cellular phones, educational virtual accounts, institutional virtual accounts, credit cards, and others.
4. Purchase
Purchasing cellular phone pulses, internet data packages, PLN electricity tokens, electronic money top ups, can easily be done by BMS personnel through M-Syariah.
5. Zakat, infaq, shodaqoh, endowments and donations
It is easier, faster, to do charity through M-Syariah, because it has collaborated with official institutions and foundations that manage and distribute zakat, infaq, shodaqoh, waqf and donations. Transact while giving charity using M-Syariah.
6. Favorite transactions
No need to remember and record transactions that are often done. Simply take advantage of favorite transactions, BMS people can easily make transactions by selecting from a list of favorite transactions.
7. Electronic Statement
There is no need for a savings book anymore, because BMS people can see all transaction mutations through the account mutation list, also through electronic statements. Go green, go digital.
8. Islamic Content
The location of the nearest mosque, Qibla direction, prayer schedules, blessing articles containing Islamic studies, are available on M-Syariah which makes it easier for BMS people without installing a separate application to get these features.
9. BMS Info
BMS employees can find out the details of available BMS products, including funding products, financing, branch office locations, frequent ask questions (FAQ) and news and information about Bank Mega Syariah.
For further information, please contact:
Call BMS (021) 2985 2222
Instagram: @megasyariah
Facebook: Bank Mega Syariah
YouTube: Bank Mega Syariah