With the LA NACIÓN application, access reliable news, in-depth research and the analysis of our columnists to understand what is happening in Argentina and the world.
The app is free to download, but to read the notes and access all the features you must have a digital subscription. To obtain the subscription visit our website https://suscripciones.lanacion.com.ar/subscribe me
As a digital subscriber enjoy the following functions:
- I received notifications of the most important news and events instantly.
- Manage your newsletters receiving the ones that interest you the most and access exclusive content.
- Listen to the notes of your interest.
- Save articles to read them later.
- I followed the authors of LA NACION to access their recent notes quickly.
- Comment on the notes and debate with other readers.
- Choose the appearance of the app according to your preference (dark or light mode).
- Adjust the size of the letters of the notes for a more pleasant reading.
- Find out about exclusive events for subscribers and register to enjoy them.