Stock Screener offers free stock & penny stocks screener to search USA stocks in the NYSE and NASDAQ, like Finviz, Thinkorswim,Robinhood and Yahoo finance, providing stock alert, stock tracker, stock advisor and stock market analysis by bullish stock signals from stock chart, and stock market indicators. Stock Screener provides free news, US stock & ETF quotes and listed companies fundamental and technical data analysis to find top growth stocks and best growth stocks for short and long term stocks investors to decide which stocks to buy, best stocks to invest and what stocks to buy. Stock Screener also provides AI enhanced stock screener using cutting-edge NLP and big data technology to provide stock information(also, backtest stocks is coming soon) by asking a simple query by as many selection criteria parameters as you wish to define. You can also keep track of the latest News and Blogs of your watchlisht now.
The main feature includes:
1) stock screeener
Free stock market screener to search and screen stocks by as many selection criteria parameters as you wish to define.
Selection criteria parameters including share data, technical & fundamental analysis and more:
- descriptive: Price, industry, Sector, Exchange, market cap, index, volume, dividend, target price etc.
- technical: pattern, performance, RSI, 52-week High/Low, 20-Day moving average etc.
- Fundamental: P/E, EPS, Debt/Equity, P/B, Return on Equity etc.
2) advanced chart tools
- Technical indicators: MACD, RSI, CCI, DMA, WR and more.
- Stock charts: 15min, 30min,1D, 5D, 1W, etc.
- Stock chart types: line, candle, bar charts.
3) AI enhanced stock screener by cutting-edge NLP
provide stock information(also, backtest stocks is coming soon) by asking a simple query by as many selection criteria parameters as you wish to define.
e.g. 010 billion
4)Stock market latest news and blogs to track opportunities.
5)Notification center to keep record of the latest hot stocks and trend.
Please send us feedback in the App if you need more features or find any issues.
6) Stock simulation and paper trading
Stock simulation is a simple and fun virtual stock market game. You can place unlimited trades at any time of the day. Stock simulation help users learn the stock market, monitor stocks and test various trading strategies.