Chassé&Croisé is a courtesy application on the initiative of a hunter to allow nature lovers to be able to coexist with more security and respect.
Clubs and sports associations can save the usual routes, or schedule a one-off.
Once the route is active, it will be visible on the map for hunters.
Each hunting company registered on the application provides information in real time on the areas in which it hunts in order to allow you to carry out your sports or relaxation outings in complete peace of mind.
For your outings in the forest, 800 m before entering a current hunting area, you will be warned and existing paths will be offered to bypass the area.
Conversely, if you find yourself in an area which was not hunted and which becomes so, the hunters will be notified and will help you to move away without risk.
The objective is to be able to free the spaces of nature for everyone when possible.
However, the action of hunting remains a priority when it is practiced on the private domain which represents
80% of forests.
The hunters agree to share this space to offer everyone a moment of freedom.
Beyond a passion, hunting plays an essential role in the regulation of big game which causes great damage to crops or in our young forests and limits road accidents.