The Waktoo App
Absence is made easier by using Waktoo! By logging in using a user that has been registered by your HR, you can find it easy to be absent and apply for permission.
Waktoo is a mobile attendance application that makes it easy for employees to attend attendance at locations approved by HR or Admin. In addition to taking attendance with selfies, Waktoo also makes it easy in all forms of submission. In the latest Waktoo v2 application there is a news feed menu and activities where we can see what other employees' activities are even though we are on a business trip.
Convenience for Employees
Absent entry, rest and go home from work, filing sick, permission, official travel, leave and overtime quickly and simply by using your smartphone. Share Activities with office friends during office hours.
Convenience for HR or Admin
Monitor employee attendance, approval for submission, to process employee payroll.
Register a company and click the link below to demo how we can help manage attendance easily.
[email protected]